3C Living for Every Day Life

It’s been a while since I’ve reached out, and I’ve got a very good reason for why.  I have been focused on finishing my book, and it’s done!  Yay!  Thank you for your encouragement and support; I am eager to share it with you. We will be launching it this Fall and you can check it out my website.  I used my allegory of The Bracelet, which many of you are familiar with, to introduce my book on 3C Living.



So what’s 3C Living?



Clarity. Confidence. Courage.  It’s about learning to live in such a way that grows all three of these.



Let me tell you what I mean.



My daughter recently came to me feeling anxious about a decision she had to make.  A dear friend wanted to come visit, but it was one week before she left for college.  Here’s how we found clarity, increased confidence, and engaged courage.  



Me:  What do you want?  (clarity question)

Her:  To relax at home and spend time with you before I return to college.

Me:  Perfect.  Sounds like you have clarity on what you want.  Why are you feeling anxious? (another great way to get your clarity is to understand your emotions)

Her:  I don’t know how to say it, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

Me:  Ahhh…yes, this can make me anxious too.  Would you like me to help you find the words to say it?

Her:  Yes!  



Right there I could see her anxiety being replaced with energy and relief as we tried out some helpful phrases.  You see, we are made to live in a posture motivated by peace.  Not guilt.  Not confusion.  Not fear.  Not anxiety.  Peace.  And with peace comes clarity.  All the other stuff just keeps the waters muddied.  



But it all starts with clarity and we’ve got to ask the questions that help us get there.  



And here’s the good news, once we have it, we can move on to confidently respond.  Knowing my daughter had the words to communicate in a way that honored and strengthened the relationship was such a boost to her confidence.  Believing she could do it made all the difference.  Confidence is always connected to what we believe.  



As I saw her confidence increase, she was now ready to engage her courage.  And courage is much easier fueled by clarity and confidence because it’s all about taking action.  



Her courage was engaged as she called her friend and let her know.  And in this case, we had a happy ending.



3C Living can be harder when the other person doesn’t respond well, and I’ll talk more about that in my next blog.  But for now, cheering you on as you find your clarity!



My heart is with you and for you,



Heather Penny Signature


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