
Do you find yourself drifting into a life of surviving when deep down you know you’re made to thrive? Dr. Heather Penny offers hope and practical ways to transform your life. She draws on personal experience and offers clear applications to help you go after what you want.

The Life You’re Made For by Heather Penny

Grace Space

No one is born a great leader. It takes time and experience and intentional work. Undoubtedly, the world is hungry for more leaders who will do the right thing, model a positive response to conflict, and choose the path of fairness and accountability.

Grace Space is about acknowledging the “spaces within and spaces between us” to give honor and offer courteous goodwill as we commit to being fair and honest. So, I offer seven practices around Grace Space that provide the tools we need to get there. As leaders, it’s about getting our hearts right so we can serve those we lead in ways that call out personal potential while also achieving high results.

The Life You’re Made For by Heather Penny

The Life You’re Made For

Are you struggling in the mire of life’s disappointments or stuck in a rut that’s lasting much too long? Are you looking to discover the strength and insight to excel in who you were meant to be?  

It’s time to reset your life with a new way of thinking that motivates and inspires you toward self-discovery and helps to uncover your true beliefs.  Through practical application, research, and personal experience, Dr. Heather Penny offers ‘3C Living’ as a way to go after the life you want.  Learn how to increase your clarity, build your confidence and engage your courage.  To find a new way forward, we need new ideas.  And the world is waiting for you to show up—in all your authentic glory—to offer the beauty, grace, and gifts that only you possess.

The Life You’re Made For by Heather Penny

The Life You’re Made For Coaching Companion

The Life You’re Made For brought the idea of 3C Living to the forefront and has been inspiring people to go after the lives they never thought were possible. The Coaching Companion Journal will help you go deeper into discovering new ways to increase your Clarity, build your Confidence, and engage your Courage. Use this journal as a coaching tool with Dr. Heather Penny as your personal guide.

This journal will reinforce themes from her highly acclaimed book The Life You’re Made For.

The Bracelet by Heather Penny

The Bracelet

What happens to a girl as she becomes a woman? Excitement for new dreams, anticipation of what’s next, longings for secret hopes, loneliness about being missed, sadness at unfulfilled dreams, confusion in relating to the expectations of others, and all around joy in discovering passions. Sometimes we flourish with dazzling brilliance….and sometimes we lose who we are over the years. Ultimately, we can even forget who we are meant to be.

But it’s never too late to remember. Remember your story… remember what you’ve always loved… remember who you are.

Celebrate your ‘being’ and participate fully in the life you are meant to live.
She woke up when she remembered, she was the author of her own story. . .

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