Transition can be hard. Right? Because change is where we feel uncertainty, risk and vulnerability. And we know that some people seem to handle change better than others. But this is why I appreciate qualitative research. It can help us identify universal themes that humanity is facing–and ALL of us experience change in multiple ways throughout our lives.
My doctoral dissertation focused on how we transition. More specifically, what makes some transition better than others? As I asked participants what contributes to their emotional well-being and career fulfillment during times of transition, here’s what I discovered:
Some of us are able to adjust, adapt and handle change easier based on ONE important finding…
My findings verified that certain individuals adapt easier when they see these situations through the lens of positive emotions—rather than through the fears and insecurity that change often brings up. And as they intentionally viewed change as an opportunity, their emotional well being increased.
Now if we stop and think about this, I bet we all know this intuitively. But how do we actually do this? Well, here’s what the research revealed…
Those that checked what I call “The Four Tires”, learned how to keep moving forward and stay in the driver’s seat throughout the change process. So what are The Four Tires?
Fullfilment – What is fulfilling to me?
Affirmation – What affirms my purpose of who I am?
Growth – Where do I want to grow?
Achievement – What do I want to achieve?
Asking these questions helped participants get to where they wanted to go. But not only that, the answers helped determine how they felt along the way.
See what I mean? It’s the difference between being a victim to change or a creator with change. Those who kept a pulse on these four tires navigated all the complexities that come with transitions and were able to handle change much better.
So, if you’re in the middle of a transition…or have one coming up…or it’s bringing to mind a past transition…take a look at your four tires. Ask yourself what fulfills you, what affirms your purpose, where you want to grow, and what you want to achieve to move through the transition. Focusing on these four tires will support your journey and ensure that change can bring with it new opportunities rather than just fears of the unknown.
Cheering you on,

PS For more on this, check out my book, The Life You’re Made For, Chapter 14 “Traction for a Better Life”