Have You Checked Your Four Tires?

I love having this conversation with people, but it can be hard — even scary at times – to take a closer look at your Four Tires and identify which ones are low. But it is so important to do. So, here’s what I do with my clients to help them figure out where to start:

First, take a look at the questions below and circle which ones are pulling on your heart. Don’t spend too much time on this. You want it to be a quick assessment. 

Second, notice which tire has the most questions circled and that is your tire to focus on. 

Third, choose ONE question to focus on from that selected tire and “sit in that” over the next few weeks and months to come. Let it percolate in you, maybe journal about it or talk it over with a good friend, but let it be asked and stay curious.  

fulfillment | fu(l)-ˈfil-mənt

    ·  satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one’s

abilities or character. 

    ·  the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted. 

the sense of Feeling—

    1. Where do I want to feel more fulfillment?

    2. What brings me enjoyment?

    3. What makes me feel refreshed?

    4. When do I feel peaceful?

    5. Where am I feeling blocked?

    6. What do I want more of?

    7. What is my heart whispering to me?

affirmation | afərˈmāSH(ə)n

    ·  an act of saying or showing that something is true; confirmation or ratification of truth

    ·  the act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; emotional support or encouragement

the sense of Searching—

    1. What is truly good about you?

    2. What do you like best about yourself?

    3. What do you want to be known for?

    4. Where are you feeling validated? 

    5. What is blocking you from your authentic self?

    6. What fear do you have about how you are perceived?

    7. Where are you searching for affirmation?

achievement | ə-ˈchēv-mənt

    ·  a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill

    ·  the process or fact of achieving something

the sense of Doing—

    1. What do I want to achieve?

    2. Where do I want more success?

    3. What accomplishments would make me feel proud?

    4. What do I need to feel successful?

    5. Where am I feeling stuck?

    6. What skillset do I want to develop?

    7. When is the last time I felt blocked from  achieving something?

growth | grōth

    ·  a stage in the process of growing; progressive development

    ·  a producing especially by growing; anticipated progressive growth

the sense of Embracing—

    1. Where do I want to grow?

    2. Where do I want more knowledge?

    3. What do I want to move forward in?

    4. What are some next steps to move me forward?

    5. What might be out of my comfort zone?

    6. What is holding me back?

    7. How do I want to be challenged? 

This is how to be a student to yourself. And only you have the clarity on YOU.

Cheering you on!

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