Have you noticed the mix of emotions that swirl around the start of a New Year? At times I feel the excitement and the anticipation of a fresh year stretched out in front of me. Other times stepping into the new year brings a contented curiosity about what the year will bring. But sometimes, a heavy sense of fear creeps in—fear that you won’t meet your goals or live up to expectations. And the pressure can build.
Pay attention to ALL of it.
Your emotions are trying to tell you something about yourself.
As I enter this new year, I am noticing a bit of weariness woven into the anticipation for all I want to see happen. And I am paying attention. As I schedule my year full of clients, projects, gatherings, podcasts, conferences, and retreats, I am also scheduling in more MeTime. This is what I need to relax, refuel, and restore my own clarity for what I need.
Even my vision board unexpectedly signaled this as well. As I cut out pictures from magazines, I was surprised to see what my heart was drawn to. Pictures of tranquility, stillness, and nature called to me. Replacing the energy and activity of the vision board from the year before.

See what I mean?
It’s amazing how much you can shift and grow in a year.
Ahhh…this is what my spirit needed. Not more things to do, but more space to just BE. As I write this, I am thinking of one of my favorite quotes from ancient wisdom… “Be Still and know that I am God”. Not something I have ever really been good at – being still…or remembering that there is a loving force that is working for me as I am still. What would it look like to invite in more stillness this year rather than more planning, working harder, and pushing things over the finish line? I am going to invite this in with a new True Belief — “I get to relax and anticipate good things are coming my way from a Divine energy that is moving in my favor.” This is what I need to remind me to do less, to trust more, and just BE.
How are you stepping into the new year? What do you need to invite in? What is your spirit longing for?
Cheering you on!