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The Life You’re Made For

The Bracelet

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The Shadow Side of Being a Hero

The Shadow Side of Being a Hero

“We each hold the ability within us to be a hero.  But doing this requires us to face the shadows.  It’s not all glory, standing ovations, and victorious celebrations for heroes.  To...

3 Reasons Why You Need a MeRetreat

3 Reasons Why You Need a MeRetreat

“Some areas in my life were actually going great but there was still this heaviness about returning back to my day-to-day life.” When’s the last time you took days – not just hours –...

The risk is worth it. Be All In.

The risk is worth it. Be All In.

3C Living has many facets including loving well. Loving with strong clarity, clear confidence and resolute courage. It’s a commitment we make to be all in. Heather Penny, Ph.D. I’ve learned the...

6 Staying Powers of Great Leaders

6 Staying Powers of Great Leaders

Leaders are “anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” Brene Brown This definition got me thinking about...

Increasing Your Clarity

Increasing Your Clarity

clarity/clar-i-ty n. the quality of being clearthe quality of being easily understoodthe quality of being certain or definite How’s your Clarity going?  Are you remembering to pull over your...

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