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The Life You’re Made For

The Bracelet

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3C Living for Leaders

3C Living for Leaders

Leaders who commit to growing their Clarity, increasing their Confidence, and engaging their Courage live with an authentic strength that inspires people to follow. I was talking to a CEO just...

3C Living

3C Living

The Clarity to know.  The Confidence to be.  The Courage to act. This, my friends, is what I call 3C Living. This has been a year filled with highs and lows.  From...

Finding the Creative Genius in You!

Finding the Creative Genius in You!

Life has a way of boxing us in when, out of convenience or self-limitations, or even some skewed duty to others we fail to reach our potential. We often look at the success of others and wonder what...

No, Seriously. What’s your SQ?

No, Seriously. What’s your SQ?

Spiritual Intelligence? Is that really a thing? Absolutely! Intellectually, you may assess a situation, opportunity, action or structure based on fact or experience that’s supported by your IQ, or...

Embracing Your “No” Voice

Embracing Your “No” Voice

We’re often reluctant to say, “No” or offer some other form of polite decline to another’s request, in part because we are unsure of the response we’ll receive, or out of fear of hurting another’s...

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