Crossroads – Part Two

On last week’s podcast we began a conversation about crossroads. Crossroads are places where we make serious decisions on how (and where…and when) to move forward. This week I recorded a short video for you about the importance of the people we have with us at this critical place. The crossroads can include intense periods of analytical reflection, to-do lists, what-if scenarios, and desperate peering into the future to guarantee an outcome while being haunted by the idea of making the wrong decision.

I recommend we slow down and camp out at the crossroads to get some clarity.The idea of camping during this stressful time is a scary thought for most people. One of the causes of this fear is because we have the wrong people weighing in on our decisions. Are you nodding your head?

When you camp at the crossroads, you want to make sure you have the right people sitting around the circle with you. This means friends who ask good questions and know how to be with you to rightly interpret your internal issues. It’s also important to be the kind of friend who will be invited into others’ crossroad campfires.

Enjoy this video to learn more about how to select your best crossroads companions.

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