Staying United During the Holidays

Between the pressures of shopping, baking, and decorating, Christmas is a stressful time of year. Add to that the stress of COVID-19 and not getting together – or getting together with difficult family members – and now life can feel down right overwhelming. Learn from Heather how to plan ahead for a successful family get together, how to put your immediate family first, and why you don’t have to tap dance to make everyone happy. *Bonus – learn about our favorite and most interesting gifts and while we love our gift givers, sometimes their heartfelt gifts make us chuckle all these years later. 

Questions to Think About:
1) What was your favorite Christmas gift you received when you were a child? What did it represent to you?
2) You don’t have to, nor can you, please everyone. How does this statement resonate with you?
3) What boundaries do you need to set with your spouse or partner before visiting family? After the event, talk about it. What could you have done better? What do you need to do next time to make it more successful?

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